Dwell-being Prescriptions
'A Dwellbeing Prescription is a simple reminder and invitation to connect back with your self. Every week Clare weaves in a new theme. Easy to follow, to participate in your own time. Creativity, nature connection and very grounding. I really enjoyed the prompts, videos and daily reminders/quotes. Nothing was too onerous, all very enjoyable.' JT Dec. 21.
What is it?
I offer a subscription service that acts as your own Dwell-being prescription. I want to teach you how to creatively connect with where you dwell.
Why have you created this?
I love to see people engaged and enthusiastic about the place where they live. I believe that when we observe, understand and explore our surroundings well it gives us a great sense of connection, possession and ultimately protection for the local environment.
This service is for people who are interested in learning how to dwell well, albeit at home, in the garden or out in nature. I will be creating a
series of email prompts, recorded and live streaming of creative activities and regular events that will help you feel more connected to the place that you are in, right now.
How does it work?
From Monday to Thursday you will receive a daily dose of Dwell-being which will act as a prompt to encourage you to become more creatively connected, on Friday I go live and talk more about the weeks theme and tell you what you will need for the creative activity at the weekend.
The weekly activity encourages you to make your own art. This is based on a culmination of your discoveries from the week's theme.
There will be 4 seasonal celebrations throughout the year that we will acknowledge.
A yearly round up of the work completed and hopefully an event we can all share our newfound love of the places where we live.
Where do I sign up?
You can sign up straight away by contacting me on the telephone number below or at clare@people-to-place.co.uk. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about the prescription.
How do I pay?
You can pay via BACS or PayPal. Please contact me for details.
When does it start?
You can join at any time throughout the year. The first intake of subscribers was in the first week of June 2021.
How much is the Dwell-being prescription?
£15 a week.
What else do I get?
Apart from more beauty, harmony and connection in to your life? Ok, then you can have access to a closed Facebook page where you can join
others who have subscribed. Here we can share insights, reflections and our work privately with each other.
You are welcome to head over to my Free Facebook page- Clare's Dwellbeing Group and join up to have a taste of what I offer.
What is your background?
My background is as an artist who loves to look at things with curiosity and gratitude. I would love the world to be appreciated by all, seen less as a set of resources to take but as the beautiful, harmonious enchanting wonder that it is.
I have spent over 25 years working as a spatial designer, designing interiors for commercial and domestic customers. During this time I have worked out what it is that helps us create more connection and gain increased enjoyment from the places in which we live, work and play.